Ixchel Diosa Luna Getaway Logo 01

Flores to Bacalar, México (TRANSIT)

From: $55.00

  • Flores to Bacalar, México (TRANSIT)
  • Q425 / USD$ 55.00 
    • Time: 5:45 am
    • Pullman Bus with A/C, Bath, reclining seats, TV. In Belize City we will change bus, all included.
    • Place: Belize Transfer – Getaway Travels Office
    • https://goo.gl/maps/gs23TJPS26BX8onQ9
    • Requirements: Valid passport, Entry Form, USD$20 exit fee Belize.
    • Travel Time: 10 hrs
    • Drop off place: Central Park, Bacalar
    • Collective Transport – Border fees are not included.